Role of Apps in Building Your Brand

Role of Apps in Building Your Brand

Posted on - Aug 21, 2024 | 3 min read

If you’re asked what’s uppermost in the global collective consciousness today, you’ll most likely say Afghanistan/Taliban! But if it was a month ago, then “brand” COVID would beat all others to the No. 1 spot!

What makes these unpleasant topics dominate our consciousness? Well, it’s the fact that we are bombarded with these topics night and day, 24 × 7 on our smart phones, social media, TV, in print and consequently in our daily conversations!

Imagine now that you are the World’s Consultant to change the collective consciousness. What would be your strategy?  Yes, it would be a multipronged approach, but the dominant channel would be the smartphone. After all, on average, smartphone users spend over 3 hours on their smartphones – daily!

Which leads us to the next important question: What are people doing on their phones? On average, 2 hours and 51 minutes are spent using apps! This translates into app time occupying 15.68% of a smartphone user’s waking hours! The average smartphone owner uses 10 apps per day and 30 apps each month. It is obvious then, that to occupy mind space in today’s digital world, the smartphone is a medium you just cannot ignore. No wonder apps have been popular in brand building lately.

The child is the father of the man – the Millennial of today will be your entrepreneur, investor and spender for the next few decades! Statistics show that 21% of this important target audience opens an app over 50 times a day! According to Buildfire, 69% of all US digital media time comes from mobile apps. The way to grow your business then, is to make your presence felt right inside that treasured smartphone – the lifeline of the Millennial!

 Gone are the days when big names alone were sufficient. A Wall Street report says that 26 big brands disappeared over the last decade! With the COVID crisis, many medium and smaller brands have had to shut shop. One of the reasons is the failure to reinvent themselves with the changing times. Similarly, BFSI brands need to keep abreast of technology and use it to their advantage to be relevant in today’s highly competitive, digitally driven environment.

Then again, the virtual world is intensely competitive! According to Buildfire, Google Play Store gives you a choice of a phenomenal 2.87 million apps and the Apple App Store offers 1.96 million apps! So to stay relevant, businesses have to ensure their apps grab customer attention much more than their competitors’ apps do. And remember, your competitors are not just those in the BFSI space, but the millions of apps clamouring for attention! This leads us to the most important question:

How do you leverage technology to build a strong brand image in the virtual world?

The answer lies in ensuring that your app creates digital experiences that will make you the preferred choice of not just your current customers, but also the million other potential ones exploring the digital world.

Your app must reflect all that you stand for, all that you offer your customers, and most importantly, give customers what they are looking for. A good app will:

  • Build your brand image,
  • Strengthen brand recall,
  • Open communication channels, and
  • Generate analysis that will help you design new offerings that address exactly what your customers want!

This in turn will build brand loyalty, increase your business, get you more referrals, and give you an edge over your competitors. After all, a happy customer is your best advertisement! In today’s world with all its cutting edge technology, your app is the most important bridge between you and your customers – current and potential! Smartphones are the lifelines of your customers - leverage this to make your app a sturdy anchor for your business!

I began by asking you what’s uppermost in the global collective consciousness today. Chances are that if you read this blog tomorrow, the no. 1 spot in the collective consciousness may be occupied by something no one dreamt of today!  That’s the speed of today’s fast changing, real time, digital world!  Needless to say, that if your app is to compete for space in the smartphone users’ mind, it has to be concurrent, up-to-date on technology, quick, efficient, and customer friendly.  How successful your app is in being your brand ambassador depends on how much it prompts users to download and use it. The smartphone can be your business’s best friend or worst enemy – getting you new customers or losing existing ones to competitors! The good news is that we are here to tilt the scales in your favour!

BOTm is India’s leading Automated Mobile App Testing Platform. We can help you reduce lead time and take your app to the digital market five times faster than manual testing does. Our cutting-edge technology backed by in-depth research, ensures that your app is authentic, fast, secure and safe, and gives you the added advantage of getting to the market before your competitors.

Our USP is automated testing, which is so essential to provide quick feedback that enables timely action. Visit us at and start your free trial to explore more about how we can make your app work for you, which in turn will help you successfully build your brand.